Stress cycle


Yin Zhu did not know how she returned to her room. She was certainly in a condition of hyperawareness. Honestly, she wanted to ignore everything and run away. 

However, she shook her head. Because she knew that if she was to return home, then her father would be very much willing to go to war for her. Her sister would go ballistic and would very likely try to chop Situ Ziyu's thing into shreds and then feed it to him. Her family loved her way too much to fight this battle for her. 

But Yin Zhu was not a villain. She knew that if she did it, her family would lose everything and it was her fault from the beginning. If she had been careful and listened to Yin Xia, nothing like this would have happened.

What was more, it was she who was not careful and let her identity be disclosed.