Lady Yue

Yin Zhu and Madam Yu followed the directions that the little girl told them. No sooner did they turn around the corner, than their eyes caught the side of a sturdy man leaning forward on a raised metal platform. 

He was holding an iron rod that glowed gold with a pair of tongs while hammering it with his hammer. 

Madam Yu tried to get the attention of the man by calling him, "Excuse me, gentleman. Our carriage met with an accident and the wheel has been smashed to bits. We require an extra carriage wheel and bolts. Can you help us?" 

When the man heard this, he raised his head and looked at the two women. Yin Zhu noticed that even though the man was young, he seemed tired as if he hadn't slept for ages, he looked at them and instead of answering, he said, "You are not from here, are you?"