Where did she go?

Yin Zhu breathed harshly. Her eyes were dazed as she looked around in the interrogation room, from her peripheral view she could see the assistant of the interrogator picking up the thunder stone from the water in which her feet were pressed. 

A second later, the guard caught her face between his fingers and then turned her face around such that she was looking at him. The interrogator's eyes glowed red indicating that he was a vampire but Yin Zhu did not sense any alpha vibes from him.

'A converted,' she thought dazedly. She then heard the interrogator threaten her, 

"It would be wise for you to stop acting and confess! You killed young master Shu and his fiancee, didn't you? Was it because of jealousy or was it something else? Are you from the devil worshippers group or those betas who do not know what is good for them? Was killing Young Master Shu a plan for your rebellion? Is that what this was?"