Ugly old men

"You have to be kidding me," Situ Xun was speechless. He was not a permanent member of the council and was just an honorary member like a mascot to prove that he supported the Cycles Council. When was he given a task by the head of the council and was expected to fulfil it? 

He Zexi calmly turned her gaze to look at Situ Xun who sat on the seat next to her. She smiled and then stated, "I am not kidding. I wish for you to lead the investigation, as I believe that you and your brothers will do it in days rather than dragging it for months." 


"Old Master Shu," He Zexi turned her attention to Old Master Shu who just spoke up and then said to him, "I know that you are a bit hesitant. But this is necessary if you want to find the truth about the death of your son, if the heirs were to take note of the situation then your son might be handed justice sooner than you think."