
"The case to which she is related is a high-profile one," said the guard who had brought the man with him. "I do not think that it will be fine if she is hurt." 

"Don't worry, Wuhan. I will not kill her. I just want to make sure that this woman is not hiding any secrets from us," Lord Ren turned and looked at Pei Wuyan who stiffened and lowered his head. "I just need to talk to her, if she is hiding some secrets of that woman who died without confessing, then wouldn't it be amazing if we could get our hands on that secret?" 

Both Pei Wuhan and Yin Zhu knew that the man was lying. He just wanted to get his hands on Yin Zhu and was making stupid excuses. Even Yin Zhu who was not aware of anything, knew what was going on there was no way Pei Wuhan wouldn't know but——

"What is it Wuhan? Do you not believe me?" Lord Ren pressed Pei Wuhan who closed his eyes and then opened the door. Before he walked away, Yin Zhu heard him say, "You are on your own."