Chapter 57 Imposter

"I'm going to buy the sword," the boy said.

"What are you going to use it for, how much is the sword?" Alex asked again.

"It's 10,000 coins Sir" the seller spoke.

"Who are you, take your mask off or we'll take it off for you," the guards said fearlessly.

"Do you have a death wish, touch any part of my body and you won't live to tell the tale" Alex also spoke fearlessly.

'Oh no, this has gone too far, I've made a mistake, I need to talk my way out of this'

The guards stare at Alex, they were obviously bigger and taller than him, then how could he speak to them in that manner, that means he's a well-known figure.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"Haven't you heard of me?" Alex said.

The players in the shop were all watching the scene in front of them, most of them couldn't hold back their laughter and let out chuckles, they knew Alex couldn't defeat the guard so they wanted to see how it would end for him.