Chapter 75 Strongest Players

This skill allows him to hit multiple targets with just one bullet as long as he touched them with the tip of his gun, the touch effect wears off after three minutes, so after touching them he is able to kill them within three minutes.

But he is only able to use the skill twice in one day, and earlier he used the skill to kill wolves chasing him in the forest.

"What just happened!!" the commander shouted on top of his horse.

"I saw them taking the potion, what happened?" another man questioned on top of his horse.

"You guys kill!!" the commander shouted and the rest of the soldiers ran towards Wraith.

Twelve soldiers ran toward Wraith at their commander's order, the soldiers also had a bottle of the liquid and they each drank it as they ran toward Wraith.

"Okay, reloading complete, I have twelve soldiers coming and only 8 bullets, and a perfect plan" Wraith mumbled.