Blind Rage

"HA HA HA HA!" Agatha laughed loudly in the room.

In front of her, there is currently a very interesting scene in her eyes. The scene is being displayed on the floating monitor screen.

The Players in that scene are currently struggling.

Their faces were in shock realizing what was in front of their eyes.

"Look at their faces, Senior!" Agatha said while pointing at the screen with her long fingers. There is a dark red color like blood on her nails.

Luccio on the other hand kept his face straight.

He remained calm while staring at everything that was happening before his eyes. Because there is no reason to be too excited.

"Will you be quiet?" Luccio said.

He was starting to feel irritated by Agatha's annoying shout and laughter.

"Didn't you see that? They thought they were already strong because they leveled up fast. But when we gave them a tough enemy, they were immediately shocked!"

Lucio gritted his teeth.