Too Strong

All of that becomes an obstacle that makes this fight even more difficult.

But that doesn't mean it's an impossible battle to win.

Clyde was still confident that he could slash the necks of those two BOSSes. He just needed to add more power behind his slashes.

Because one of BOSS B's eyes was destroyed by an arrow shoot by Sonya.

And one of its other eyes was hit by a fireball explosion from Clyde, BOSS B had already lost its vision.

Clyde slid down under BOSS B. He saw its exposed leg below the knee. So Clyde took the opportunity.

Clyde channeled his Magic Power into the Elderglass Sword. The transparent bluish blade glowed with a bright bluish color.

He launch himself towards the back of BOSS B's knee then slashed the Elderglass Sword.


Although Clyde's slash managed to penetrate the flesh, once again, his sword crashed into the hard bone.

Clyde didn't give up and channeled his Magic Power even more stronger.