Little Help

"I got that information from a reliable source," said Clyde.

"What source is that?" Rodney asked with sparkling eyes.

Whatever the source of all Clyde's knowledge, if he could find even a little bit of it, it would be a great help.

Clyde could be this strong because of the resources he got.

A source that seemed to come from a place untouched by this world.

Rodney and his three fellow Regressors are people who have gone back to the past many times. However, they couldn't be as strong as Clyde.

So the place where Clyde got the information must have been something extraordinary.

However, their hopes and guesses could not be further from reality.

Clyde just going to say that he got information about a creature named Wendigo from just reading fiction books.

"Have you never read a book?" Clyde asked back.

"No. For me it's so boring," Reed said.