Unexpected Development

With her healing abilities, it didn't take long for Asqa to recover Mona from her previously critical condition.

That's how strong Asqa's healing abilities are now. She had always considered herself useless before this. However, everything she has done proves otherwise.

Everyone can see this except for Asqa herself.

Mona opened her eyes shortly after Asqa was done with her healing.

She turned and found Eric, Sonya, and Asqa in front of her eyes.

"I thought I was dead," Mona said in a low voice accompanied by a sigh.

She felt relieved. It turns out that she hasn't died yet and is back for another Regression turn.

"You won't die that easily with Asqa in our group," Eric said. Then stretched out his hand.

Mona grabbed Eric's hand and stood up from the hood of the almost flattened car.

"Thank you," Mona said, looking at Asqa.

Asqa nodded with a small smile.