Personal Request

What Gremory is currently offering does sound like a good deal. Because she offers it for free.

In fact, it's too good for the level of a Demon.

"I can't believe you'd give something away for free," Clyde said.

The corners of Gremory's lips turned upwards slightly. As if indicating that she almost let out a laugh. But she managed to suppress it.

"Ah, alright. I give up. I won't try to trick you anymore," Gremory replied.

'I knew it would be like this!' Clyde felt his chest pounding. He was just about to say yes to that Demon.

What Gremory did was indeed very dangerous for humans who weren't careful.

She didn't say any conditions and only said the reward she would give. Some people will obviously be easily fooled by that trick.

Clyde really didn't want to make a Demon feel offended. However, Gremory openly almost tricked him and it made his anger raise.