
Clyde hurriedly picked up the silver tube that had fallen on the subway floor.

He wanted to quickly learn the skill he just got but something was already holding his Dark Night Coat then swung Clyde backward.


Clyde hit the wall above the railroad tracks. He fell on the rail rocks hard.

Due to the sudden jolt, the silver tube containing the skill he had just obtained fell.

"Shit!" Clyde cursed. Because he was grinding his teeth, the curse came out as a hiss.

He immediately stood up and drew the Elderglass Sword from its scabbard.

Then his eyes darted around looking for the figure of his attacker.

But strangely, Clyde didn't see anything. He didn't even hear any sound as a sign of his attacker's whereabouts.

Clyde thought that what had attacked him earlier was definitely a Wendigo. But he had no idea that the Wendigo would be that powerful.

'Is that a Wendigo of a different color?'