New Deal

Agatha looked at Clyde with lazy eyes. Her feelings were clearly shown on her pale face.

"You won't sit with me?" she asked.

"No," Clyde replied curtly. Then took a bite of his bread. "Why do you want to see me?"

There were sighs from Agatha. Then she leaned back on the back of the chair.

"I've just had a tough day," Agatha said.

"So the World Master also had a hard day, huh?" Clyde replied.

"Yeah. I thought that after becoming a human, I wouldn't find it difficult to go through everything anymore." Agatha looked at Clyde. "I want to make an offer."

"You get to the point? I heard when someone just had a bad day they want to tell their story to someone who's going to listen," Clyde replied. "Wanna talk?"

Agatha smiled and let out a chuckle. "If I'm not mistaken, I would think of you as a caring person. However, I know that you just want whatever information you can get."