From Various Sides

Luccio gritted his teeth. Even now his hands clenched tightly. This was something rare because normally Luccio always kept his cool.

Agatha realized that his attitude had changed drastically.

Inside her heart, Agatha also felt tensed. What if Luccio took out his anger on her?

"How did it happen?"

Luccio's question which he asked in a cold and deep tone of voice made Agatha flinch.

"W-What do you mean?" she asked.

"How did he find that green Wendigo?"

"Maybe he just happened to meet it. Then killed it," answered Agatha. 'Right?'

Agatha herself wasn't too sure either. Considering everything Clyde has done so far, it's possible that he was able to find and defeat the green Wendigo.

"No," Luccio said. "I don't think so."

"Why do you think so?" she asked.

"I've been paying attention to him since you met him. He seemed to have a specific purpose when he walked out of the motel this morning," Luccio replied.