The Next Chapter

They didn't need a long time to complete the Quest. Since no one was trying to mess up the setting of this apocalypse any more, everything was running smoothly.

As soon as they finished killing the remaining 160 Wendigos, they received the same notification.

They get Exp rewards that even though not enough to make them Level up. Yet it's still better than getting nothing.

After returning to the motel, they immediately discussed what would happen tomorrow.

The seven people sat in the lobby. The Regressors started to say what they knew.

"Tomorrow, we will face an apocalypse that occurred because the AI ​​decided that humans must be exterminated. That's what we will hear in the notification," Rodney said.

"We're going to fight robots, huh?" Sonya said. "Whoever created this apocalypse doesn't seem very creative, do they?"

After saying her sarcastic remark, Sonya drank her cold canned coffee.