The Location

After making sure that all the robots around him were destroyed, Clyde walked back toward Sonya and Asqa.

Clyde then saw that other robot troops were being fought by the Regressors. Without thinking any longer, Clyde immediately walked toward them.

Sonya and Asqa also immediately followed him. The two of them walked behind him like obedient followers.

"Asqa, you have that [Skill: Attack Up], right?" Clyde asked without looking back. His gaze remained fixed forward, towards the robot troops who were now also aware of their existence.

"Yes," Asqa answered.

"Use it on us, now."

So Asqa did it. She stretched her arms towards Clyde and Sonya and activated [Skill: Attack Up] which, judging by its name, was a Skill to increase attack.

A reddish glow enveloped Clyde and Sonya's bodies for a few moments. Before finally disappearing as if absorbed into their bodies.

"How much will our attacks increase?" Sonya asked.