Last Wish

"Shit!" Clyde cursed through gritted teeth. He felt a stinging pain from his waist.

He didn't expect that he would get injured by a member of his group. Such things had never happened before when they fought.

Clyde can't help but think, is this intentional by Rodney or not? His suspicious nature made him immediately think of such a possibility.

Clyde glanced at Rodney who was fighting the cyborg with the rest of the group. He was seemingly indifferent to his situation and continued to fight without even glancing in his direction.

While Clyde was looking at Rodney with various speculations in his head, Asqa came to him with a worried face.

"You hurt?" Asqa asked.

Clyde immediately turned to her with a slightly surprised expression.

"Yes, a little." Clyde immediately showed his waist which was bleeding a little.