Change of Plan

They continued to move between all the tentacles and fireballs. Clyde's grip on Asqa's wrist tightened and made the girl feel more pain.

However, Asqa didn't want to say what she felt because she knew that it would distract Clyde. Asqa bit her lip so she could keep her voice out.

Clyde now no longer activates [Skill: Pure Lightning] because he doesn't know if he can use it while carrying Asqa. Clyde didn't want his Skill to suddenly strike Asqa and electrocute the girl.

So Clyde only relies on his stat's speed. Even then, he had to hold back because Asqa's speed was incomparable to his.

Clyde slashed the Elderglass Sword relentlessly to repel every tentacle and fireball coming at them from all sides. He turned while keeping Asqa behind him.

With Asqa's presence, Clyde felt a burden that he had not expected before. Usually, when he only moves alone, Clyde can move more freely.