Through The Destruction

The Archangel with blond hair shifted restlessly in her seat. She stared at the monitor screen that has become a black void that didn't display anything.

This has been happening since a few days ago. It frustrated her because she was no longer able to observe the man.

She knows what happened. The Guardians of the World Masters were doing their job and blocking outsiders from illegally viewing the Selection Stage.

The Archangel couldn't believe that the Chief would risk attracting the Guardians to protect the Selection Stage. Knowing that there is a possibility of conflict in the Far East.

"Does that mean he has a close relationship with the World Masters in charge of the Selection Stage?" She muttered to herself.

But a moment later she shook her head lazily. It's no use thinking about it. Now there is something better for her to do.

The Archangel stood up from her chair. Then open the door of the room.