Surge Of Lightning

Leon opened his eyes. He woke up in the same room as Clyde earlier. He wanted to sit up immediately but the straps and shackles kept him lying in place.

Leon frowned because he felt like a madman in the asylum. Exactly how Clyde felt when he first woke up.

"What the fuck is going on? Where am I?"

Leon cast his eyes around but he only saw an empty room with nothing to give any sign of his whereabouts.

"Excuse me!" Leon shouted. "Is anyone there?"

Moments later James came through the door. The bespectacled youth stared at Leon with a surprised expression on his face. But then he immediately smiled, though it was an awkward-looking smile.

"Hi, how are you?" James asked while walking towards the bed where Leon was lying.

"Uhm, I don't know how to answer you," Leon said.

"Ah, don't worry. It's fine," said James.

'Then why did you bother asking?' Leon thought in a slightly irritated tone.