Rescue Attempt

After he met with Clyde at Hammer's place, Samuel entered a building that looked like a small hotel building.

He entered and immediately knocked on the doors where his party members were.

"Let's have a meeting!" Samuel said every time he finished knocking on the door.

The place they usually used as a meeting place was the biggest suite room. Here there is a king-size bed, kitchen, and even a swimming pool outside.

Soon they all came.

Leyan, the Elf came with clothes that humans usually wear on Earth. That is all plain T-shirts and short jeans. Leyan tied his long black hair back in a ponytail.

Kei and Kiara came shortly after. Kei supported Kiara who still looked weak and sat her down as soon as they arrived.

Seeing them, Samuel felt guilty for asking them to come. However, he must immediately discuss this because this matter is very urgent.