A Solution

Hearing the brown-skinned woman's words, Vernik was silent for a few moments pondering over it. Then he nodded as if he had come to a decision.

"You're right. Maybe Maethion is planning something though I don't know what it is," Vernik said. "So, we're still going to send them to Archangel Uriel's domain?"

"I think that's a good idea. From the information I got, she isn't in the best mood right now so she rarely keeps an eye on her territory," the brown-skinned woman replied.

"You know what happened?"

Vernik knew that the Archangel, who had a sweet appearance with blonde hair, was actually a very cruel being.

Her appearance betrays her hideous personality, who will not hesitate to destroy anyone who gets in her way.

Her temperament is so bad that all her servants are afraid of her. But she also had strength strong enough that no candidate would refuse her recruitment once they exited the Selection Stage.