
Clyde cast his eyes around him. All he could see was a dry desert coupled with the scorching hot sun.

"Whoa, this world must have experienced some kind of massive sandstorm in the final chapter," Leyan commented after he finished looking around.

"Maybe what's under the sand is a city," said Kiara in a gloomy tone.

Clyde looked down. In his head, he imagined the same thing as what Kiara said. There was a city that was originally prosperous and advanced, which was suddenly buried by sand that came from nowhere.

Inside the city, it is clear that there are buildings that are inhabited by poor humans trapped inside. All the buildings and their occupants must also have been killed by the various Chapters in the Selection Stage.

There are also other possibilities. That the humans and buildings have been reduced to dust and sand, not buried under it.

Whatever it was, now it had no meaning because now everything was over.