An Idea

Hammer muttered to himself in his room. There was only him and the sound of clanking hammers and metal coming from outside.

'They seem to be planning something important.'

Hammer was still concerned about what the expedition parties were doing in that Ruin. He knew that they had gone to a Ruin and brought Clyde along, someone who shouldn't be going there for now.

The Dwarf knew that this was an order from the Senior Council because there was no way Samuel would suddenly invite Clyde blatantly into the Ruin.

Hammer sighed. Then came out of his room to start working on Clyde's sword which was badly damaged. 

His men asked how the sword could be so badly damaged when they knew that the sword was made of good material.

Hammer just answered by saying the same thing Clyde said earlier. That sword is used to kill worms and zombies.