Her Lies

Maethion let out a chuckle that seemed to indicate amusement when he heard Clyde's words.

"I see you don't really like chatting with strangers. Do you have a problem with getting close to strangers?" Maethion said.

"Well, I don't know. The last time I remember, as soon as I trusted a stranger I received a stab in the chest and almost died," Clyde replied in a calm tone while looking ahead.

Maethion shrugged his shoulders. "You know, not everyone is that bad. You have to start opening up to other people or you will feel lonely."

Clyde snorted. "You don't need to worry about that. I'm used to loneliness."

Maethion stared at Clyde for a long time. His eyes behind the glasses seemed to want to examine more about Clyde. There was a curious glint that had always been there when Maethion looked at him.