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Clyde who heard the information that Wiley conveyed raised his head. He did see a group of pterodactyls swooping down on Leon. But if there really are pink spots on their bodies, he can't see them because the spots are too small.

But he's sure that the pink spots - quite possibly crystals - do exist. Because he had seen similar crystals on the abnormal T-Rex's back at that time.

"Be careful. The pterodactyls might be a little different than the raptors before," said Clyde.

Wiley, Lola, and Rosie all turned to look at him with confused looks.

"What do you mean?" Rosie asked.

"Maybe they will issue a different attack. Just be careful and pay close attention." Then Clyde glanced at Lola. "You should aim better this time."

Lola swallowed hard once more. She seemed to feel the air around her getting heavier after Clyde's words.

"The pterodactyls might throw some kind of projectile too," Clyde added.

"How do we kill them?" he asked.