
Leon came to her with gritted teeth. His expression is one of rage when he looked at the T-Rex.

Leon immediately shot towards it without saying anything else to Rosie knowing that Rosie was trying to keep channeling her Mana.

He dashed at full speed. But then the T-Rex's hands full of claws came sweeping towards him.

This time, knowing what was about to happen, Leon was able to immediately duck to avoid the claw's sweep.

While at the back, Wiley dashed forward and brought his blowdart to his mouth. He channeled Mana into his blowdart and then fired.


The dart covered in purplish smoke was embedded in the chest of the T-Rex. This time, because the T-Rex still couldn't move due to being trapped by Rosie's lightning, Wiley intended to shoot as many of his darts as possible.

Unlike Lola, who was never using her Mana to create arrows before, Wiley was used to using his Mana to create poison darts. So even now he does it smoothly.