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After saying that, there was silence for several minutes between Asqa and Clyde. Clyde thought that he might have said something Asqa didn't want to hear. After all, she didn't look like a girl who would hold a grudge.

'I'll help you any way I can!'

However, to Clyde's surprise, Asqa actually supports his intention. In her voice, Clyde could even feel overwhelming emotions.

'W-What?' Clye is struck dumb by her unexpected reaction.

'Yes! I will help you as best I can. They've gone too far. How could they betray the one who saved them, and helped them through the disaster?!'

Once again, Clyde could feel Asqa's great emotion. Sadness, anger, and of course a great desire for revenge.

Maybe because they are connected telepathically, their emotions can be channeled better than when speaking normally.

Clyde grinned. 'I didn't think you could say that. I thought you would refuse.'