The End Of It

Wiley always has been a careful person. He wouldn't get into something from which he wasn't sure he would get out safely.

But when the apocalypse of the Selection Stage came, Wiley felt he could no longer do such a thing. How could he be too careful when every place he entered contained monsters and dangers?

Wiley feels lucky to find companions and to be able to work with them well. 

Moreover, in his group, there is someone like Leon. The figure of a leader who doesn't mind charging first towards the enemy and protecting the others behind.

After some time, his feelings from just wanting to use Leon so he could take cover behind safely, turned to respect after seeing how selflessly he acted to protect his comrades.

So Wiley intends to do the same for him and his other friends. So that he doesn't become a jerk who only uses them for his safety.



