Origin Of System

Clyde frowned. "What about it?"

"The power of the system. You call it that. You can see your power in numbers and letters," said Maethion. "But actually it's just something to make things simpler."

Clyde decided to continue listening without saying anything first. He felt confused about what he said, what did he mean by making things simpler?

Noticing Clyde's questioning gaze, Maethion continued.

"That power is a simplified version of the Aetheric Nexus. What arrived at your world, and our world is that, The Aetherix Nexus. Something that awakens the hidden potential of all beings in that world.

The Aetheric Nexus is something mysterious that awakens the power you usually call Mana, magic, and various other powers.

We don't know what, and how it was created. But chances are, it's as old as time itself.

The power of the Celestials also comes from the Aetheric Nexus. However, they are born with it, not suddenly awakened like us."