Huge Wyvern

They have now arrived in a pocket dimension where a sage lives here for a long time. He was a man with such powerful magical abilities that he was able to create a place undetectable by Celestials and their followers.

But that man was Maethion's teacher. When Maethion was able to reach a level of power that allowed him to enter the ranks of members of the Senior Council, his master had created the pocket dimension.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong the sage was, he couldn't stop the Selection Stage or fight the Celestials head-on.

He can already reach a level of power without the power of the system and his magical ability is already reached this level. 

Because of that sage and a few others who possessed the same level of power, the Senior Council knew that the other residents of Sivagadh Fortress would be able to reach great levels of strength without relying on the power of the system.