To The Path

Clyde stared at the arrival of the Goddess with a straight face. He actually didn't know what to feel at this moment. Should he smile to greet her? But Clyde knew that she wasn't that excited to meet him right now.

So it's better to put on a neutral face-to-face her. They wouldn't be here for a friendly chat after all. 

The Goddess who was now in the form of a woman with a brown body and red hair approached Clyde with slow steps. From her eyes, Clyde could tell that she was looking at him with scrutinizing eyes, still trying to find out who or what he is.

"Is this alright? We meet in the open," Clyde said.

"It is alright. This is my domain. No one will disturb us," Goddess Pele replied.

Clyde nodded with satisfaction. "Good. Let's get straight to the point. Do you know anything about the domain of the other Celestials?"

Goddess Pele frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Answer me first."