Againts the Demons

Clyde lunged at them first with his fists clenched, throwing his fist towards a targeted Demon.

Thanks to his speed, Clyde managed to land a punch to the Demon's chest, sending him flying into the air like a bullet just fired from a gun. Not wasting any time, Clyde immediately attacked another Demon that was next to the one he had thrown earlier.

However, because the Demon had already seen Clyde's previous movements, he managed to raise his shield just in time.


Clyde's punch struck the shield and pushed the Demon a few steps backward. The other Demons in the vicinity didn't just stand and watch; they began to attack as well. They came at Clyde from various angles with their respective weapons, not intending to give Clyde any openings to escape.

A greatsword descended on him from his left side, while a hammer came from his right side. Clyde could also see a spear heading towards his back as he glanced behind.