Agatha Appear

Clyde remained seated on the edge of the building for this past few minutes, his boots lightly tapping against the cracked concrete. The mutated dragon's corpse still smoldered behind him, the scent of burned flesh thick in the air. Blood dripped down from its ruined body and pooling in the crevices of the rooftop.

He glanced down at the city below.

The streets that were so chaotic not now become eerily silent. Hardly any monsters alive remained. The survivors who was lucky enough to have lived through this hell when Clyde passed by were no longer screaming or running for their lives. Instead, they walked with cautious relief, searching for the Checkpoint he had mentioned in his passing.

They were saf because of him.

Clyde sigehd, his fingers drumming against his knee.

All this effort and this destruction. And still, no response from the World Masters?