The Bad Bad Memory

After four hours Hazel had slipped into unconsciousness.

The middle-aged woman who was the one treating Hazel had gone out of the room, having left the younger woman.

After having checked properly that no one was coming by, the other woman brought out a tiny blade and then cut some strands of Hazel's hair from the bottom, after that, she took some blood from her through her soles and then hurriedly hid it beneath the bed when she noticed the middle-aged woman approaching.

When the woman came in, Hazel jerked out a little which caused the middle-aged woman to look at the younger woman for an explanation.

"Just when you excuse yourself, she was jerking even though her eyes were closed."

The middle-aged woman looked closely at Hazel and checked her temperature.

Meanwhile, Hazel who had swept into consciousness was suddenly shaken by a bright light coming from nowhere in particular.

As the bright light increased, it suddenly spread everywhere.