Hazel Was Rosella, Rosella Was Truly Hazel.

After some time, Lucifel got back with loads of food which Rosella ate to her fullest.

Rosella, just like what she had heard the health specialist say, had forgotten her memories and could barely recall anything about who she was before she got stabbed and why she was suddenly getting married to an unknown devilishly handsome man.

Not like the thought didn't excite her but everything was getting more and more difficult to process. It seemed that the man she was going to be wedded to, cared a lot about her and perhaps, she felt the same way before she lost her memory. She could not say, she just hoped her memories would come to her as fast as possible.

However, since this man she learnt to be a crown prince called her Hazel, she thought then that was definitely her name since she was called that by her husband-to-be.