
Scarlett froze, seeing Nicole's stiff body on the bed. The life support that used to help her survive is now being removed one by one by the nurses.

Seeing them take off the life support tools, she felt heartbroken. A tear slowly fell from the corner of her eye, and she cried in silence. Now she was undoubtedly alone, without Nicole, who would diligently report their family's condition to her. 

'Goodbye Nicole! Rest in peace, my beloved sister...' She said goodbye in her heart while her body trembled slightly, holding back her tears.

Robert and several doctors were discussing Nicole's condition when she died. However, Scarlett, standing behind Doctor Robert, didn't understand what they were talking about. She was grieving inside, and her mind was completely blank as if an invisible black hole had sucked all her thoughts in.

She just stood where she was, holding Xander's arm tightly. Somehow, his warm hug can strengthen her through this grief.