New Beginning

"You want a hug?" His words were enough to make her mind go blank.

'How can I answer such a question?'

She did not answer him, nor did she reject him. She just froze while looking into his eyes unblinkingly, as if she was under his spell.

And sure enough, her shameless husband didn't let her stay in a daze for too long. He pulled her closer, and she was in his arms in no time.

'Oh, Lord! This is equivalent to keeping me awake until morning!' She cried in her heart. 'How can I sleep in his arms!?'

In Xander's arms, Scarlett could only close her eyes while listening to her loud heartbeat. She could also feel her blood boiling, unable to stand the heat inside her mind. 

Too scared to move, making her body feel stiff in his arms. She couldn't enjoy this intimacy at all. Instead, she was so nervous. 

"Babe, breathe!" Xander's voice sounded like a beautiful melody to her ears.