Swan Lake Town

Next morning.

Scarlett and Xander set off as soon as the sun rose.

They have been driving for 30 minutes, but Xander still hasn't told them where they are going.

Scarlett gave up asking him again. She decided to enjoy the pretty scenery they passed.

They were heading north, and it was the first time Scarlett had crossed this road. She could see that they were getting farther away from downtown.

'Are we going to another city?' She wondered while amazed at the scenery that was starting to change.

The further they left the city, the rarer the buildings they passed. What she saw were hills with colorful trees, indicating autumn was coming. It looks stunning! 

"Xander, the autumn vibe in this area is stunning..." Scarlett praised the scenery several times, nearly every mile, as their car cruised steadily.