
Scarlett was jolted awake when she heard a loud knock on her bedroom door, feeling as if she had been pulled out of a dark and murky lake — too immersed in her mother's secret.

She stumbled towards the door and pulled it open to find Logan standing on the other side. Scarlett could tell this man was anxious about something by the look in his eyes.

"Logan?" Scarlett asked in a firm voice but with a slightly confused tone. "Did you know that anyone looking at you right now can tell you're under pressure? Tell me what happened?"

"Ma'am, your lunch is ready," Logan said quickly.

At the same time Scarlett's stomach was growling, she realized that she hadn't eaten anything since arriving at the hotel. She glanced at her watch and was surprised to see that lunchtime had significantly passed. Now it's closer to dinner than lunchtime.


"I completely forgot lunch," She said softly.