Teach Carter a Lesson (4)

He had no interest in joining the army either, as he didn't want to live a regulated life like a soldier. Consequently, he abandoned his shooting talent, and this place became rarely used for practice.

"Now, this place is mostly utilized by the Riley family guards. Such a pity..." Carter continued, leaving Scarlett stunned by his words.

Indeed, Scarlett couldn't help but feel a sense of pity seeing such a high-tech shooting practice facility being utilized mainly by the guards. 

Her mind wandered back to The Fox, a highly advanced shooting range she had spent her entire time practicing when she was in the USA. That's where she became an expert in various shooting styles.

In the past, she had never understood why she possessed such natural talent for shooting. When she held a gun for the first time, she hit a bullseye at 20 meters and swiftly became a skilled marksman.