
"No! Don't kill her. She's quite a beauty... The boss might enjoy having this girl warm his bed!" the other man leered, revealing his repugnant yellow teeth.

Scarlett, "..." 

'Do they think I'm easy to bully!?' Scarlett muttered to herself. 

Fueled by anger, she swiftly aimed her gun at the man with a scar on his face's temple and pulled the trigger. She tilted her body slightly in one fluid motion and hurled her sharp dagger toward the other man's chest, aiming to distract him. With impeccable precision, she then fired a shot into his chest.

A piercing scream echoed through the corridor, but Scarlett remained unfazed, knowing that the remaining man would meet the same merciless fate if they appeared before her now.

In a matter of seconds, not even a minute, she had eliminated them both. The events unfolded with such swiftness that the men collapsed onto the hard marble floor, lifeless.