Roland Gilwynn Appears

"Apologies, Ms. Scarlett Piers, but you do not possess the privilege to disregard me—" Simon's voice abruptly trailed off. His eyes widened in astonishment as the door swung open, revealing his father's commanding presence entering the room.

'Why is he here as well? Could this girl have informed him?' Simon's thoughts raced as he swiftly rose from his seat, and respectfully greeted Roland.

"Father," Simon greeted Roland with an air of deference, his voice carrying a trace of tension that hinted at a fear of his father's potential reprimand.

With a swift sweep of his gaze, Simon observed Scarlett remaining seated, seemingly ignoring the arrival of his father, the former king. 

'How audacious of her! Why hasn't she greeted Father? Where are her manners?'  Simon felt the urge to remind her, but before he could utter a word, he observed his father dismissing him and settling onto the sofa, fixing his gaze upon Scarlett.