Searching Rosalie Withers (3)

"Scarlett, have you ever wondered why your mother never showed up after we eliminated Jude Withers?"

A frown appeared on Scarlett's face; she seemed deeply pondering this question.

Often, Scarlett asked herself this question. But, until now, she hasn't found an answer that satisfies her. 

However, among the many answers that often arise in her heart, "Maybe Mother already died..." Just imagining it terrifies her. 

That's why she's determined to stop thinking about it and look for her mother until she finds concrete evidence of whether her mother is still alive or all her efforts are for nothing.

"I do," Scarlett smiled half-heartedly. "But I've never found the right answer to that question—"

Silence hung in the air. After a few minutes, Seven asked, "Scarlett, is it possible that your mother still thinks it's not the right time for her to appear? Because the real threat is still out there?"