Superman vs the government ?

David and Emma were relaxing in their cozy apartment, like every other day. Emma was suggesting some venues that might be suitable for their wedding.

The events from last week with both Abomination and yeeting a few evil sorcerers into a dimensional portal were all over the news. 

Unlike usual, David just casually replied to the reporter who was outside the sanctum, that it was a dark lord from magical dimension trying to invade earth. Needless to say, the proof of the existence of magic was something that made people go crazy again.

He also pointed out that the place behind him gives out free magic lessons and cookies, giving another headache to the Ancient one.

Some people were supporting him, claiming David didn't publicize his heroics and just saved people without showing off. This made him a hero to them. Some, on the other hand, were pissed at him for not intervening sooner. Like he gets paid for this kind of work. 

But this caused another issue. He was becoming hard to ignore for the forces around the world. David got contacted by Madam Viper, who somehow got his number.

She tried to seduce David multiple times, but David shut her off every time, making the villainess more eager in her approach. He was half considering whether to take over Hydra and launch the 3rd world war.

David reclined lazily on his couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, with a steaming mug of hot cocoa in one hand and a half-eaten donut in the other.

Emma was perched elegantly on his lap, scrolling through her phone, and taking bite out of the donut once a while. The peace of their morning was shattered when the doorbell rang.

"Expecting anyone?" Emma asked without looking up.

"Unless the pizza guy's delivering free samples, no." David sighed, reluctantly getting up. Emma just levitated herself slightly to make way, her powers were growing at a visible rate.

He opened the door to find a stern-looking man in a suit holding a thick stack of papers.

"David Faust," the man said formally, handing over the documents. "You've been served. Court subpoena. United States government has summoned … you."

David skimmed through the papers with a raised eyebrow. "Huh. 'Should David, a man of immense power to help everyone, be allowed to move freely without supervision, or be forcibly recruited into the U.S. military to serve his nation for the greater good ? Wow, they really went all-in with this one."

The man didn't flinch, much to his credit . "Court date's next week. Don't be late."

David closed the door, turning to Emma. "They think they can force me to join their little army."

Emma smirked. "Oh, darling, the U.S. government has no idea what they've just stepped into. This is going to be hilarious."

David flopped back onto the couch. "Guess I'll have to clear my schedule. Can't miss a chance to roast the government in public."

Emma laughed. "So they want to recruit you because you're too much of a 'valuable asset.' To serve as a role model like Captain America? How flattering."

"Yeah, sure," David said sarcastically. "Sign me up to take orders from some guy in a uniform who thinks strategy means yelling 'Charge!' louder."

"You could just show up and give them a taste of their own bureaucracy," Emma suggested with a smirk.

David grinned. "Oh, I like it. I'll file countersuits for harassment, wrongful prosecution, and wasting my time. Maybe I'll make the court proceedings last decades."

Emma clinked her champagne glass against his mug. "To the downfall of bureaucratic fools."


Nick Fury paced back and forth in a dimly lit SHIELD command center, his single eye darting nervously between reports. Agents stood around, unsure whether to offer assistance or duck for cover.

"Are they fucking insane?!" Fury barked, slamming his fist on the table. "Which motherfucker thought it was a good idea to subpoena David?! He's a walking apocalyptic event waiting to happen!"

Maria Hill, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm him. "Director, it's just a hearing. If we keep him calm—"

"Calm?!" Fury interrupted. "Do you know what he did last week? He yeeted a supervillain into another dimension, like it was trash day. What happens when some lawyer calls him a public menace and he decides to delete Washington, D.C., out of spite?"

Hill hesitated. "Well… let's hope Emma keeps him entertained."

Fury groaned, rubbing his temples. "I'm too old for this. Someone get me a drink."

Johnny Storm strolled casually down the hallway, headphones blaring music, until he reached Susan's room. He just barged in without knocking or waiting.

"Hey Sis, have you seen my—" He froze mid-sentence, his jaw dropping.

The room was a shrine. Every wall was covered in posters of David in various heroic or mundane poses, some clearly edited to accentuate… certain features.

A scandalous one of David lounging in his underwear with a smirk sat framed on her nightstand.

Susan, who seated on her bed with a dreamy look in her eyes holding David's body printed pillow, jumped up in horror. "Johnny! What are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing?! What are you doing?!" Johnny pointed wildly at the walls. "This is—this is nuts sis, even for you! And I thought you just broke up with Reed!"

Susan's face turned beet red. She lunged at Johnny, shoving him toward the door. "Out! Get out!"


"Out!" she yelled, throwing poor Johnny out with a forcefield and slamming the door behind him then locking it.

Leaning against the door, Susan took a deep breath. She looked around her room, biting her lip. "Maybe I overdid it a little."

She glanced at one of the posters—David mid-yawn, looking annoyingly perfect—and sighed dreamily. "But he's just… so amazing."

The newspaper owners were the happiest right now. Even random dudes started printing papers to get in on the profitable business.

Surprisingly , David had a surprisingly staunch supporter , J.J Jameson, the chief editor of Daily Bugle. Every article there was supporting 'Superman' as a great hero behind the scenes , specially one that never caused any civilian casualties.

Every week , there was some headline thanks to David, and new scoops ready to be printed. People also loved o read more about the hero they know little of, although most of it was gossip.

Teenage girls had a crush on him, and boys wanted to be cool like him. Meanwhile, the person in question was preparing for a face off against the court. 

The courtroom was packed to the brim, with every seat taken by military officials, legal representatives, reporters, and members of the public eager to witness the trial of the century.

The Avengers sat in a reserved section, looking various shades of intrigued, uneasy, and mildly entertained.

Cameras were strategically placed to broadcast the proceedings globally, turning the courthouse into an impromptu studio.

The murmurs in the room reached a crescendo when the heavy oak doors at the back creaked open.

In strolled David Faust, wearing a sleek white suit that somehow looked casual and regal at the same time. Emma Frost followed closely behind, dressed in an all-white ensemble that radiated elegance and smug superiority.

David paused dramatically at the doorway, scanning the room with an exaggerated squint. "Wow," he drawled. "I thought this was a courtroom, not Comic-Con."

The murmurs turned into scattered laughter, though the judge's gavel quickly brought the room to order.

"Mr. Faust," the judge said sternly. "This is a formal hearing. Please refrain from unnecessary commentary."

David raised his hands in mock surrender. "Got it, Your Honor. I'll save the commentary for my memoirs."

Emma leaned in and whispered, "They might want an autographed copy after this."

The judge gave another glare and David gave the judge a mock salute and a wink. "Yes, ma'am. I'll behave. Scout's honor." Which made even the old female judge skip a heartbit.

Emma rolled her eyes, muttering, "He was never a scout."

Tony leaned over to Steve , whispering, "Alright, I've changed my mind. I like this guy. He's got style, like me."

Steve frowned. "This isn't a joke, Tony. The stakes here are—"

"High?" Tony interrupted with a smirk. "Yeah, I noticed. That's why I brought popcorn." He shook an empty bag theatrically.

Natasha Romanoff, seated beside them, crossed her arms. "He's unpredictable. That makes him dangerous." 'And sexy' she muttered in her mind as she gave him a look.

Bruce Banner shifted uncomfortably. "Let's just hope he doesn't bring up anything that'll make things worse. The last thing we need is him deciding the whole world's not worth his time."

Thor, munching loudly on trail mix he'd smuggled in, chuckled. "I find him most entertaining. He reminds me of Loki—but without the endless scheming."

Clint Barton sighed. "Great. Another god complex in the room. Just what we needed."

The government's lead senator named Joseph, an older man with a no-nonsense demeanor, stood to address the court.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we are here to discuss whether an individual as powerful as Mr. Faust should be allowed to operate without oversight. His actions—though occasionally beneficial—are unpredictable, unsanctioned, and potentially catastrophic."

David leaned over to Emma and whispered, "He's making me sound like a feral cat."

"Shh," Emma replied, smirking.

The senator continued, gesturing toward a large screen displaying footage of David casually flicking Abomination into a building during his recent rampage.

"This footage alone demonstrates the sheer magnitude of his power. Mr. Faust is not just a man—he is a force of nature. And forces of nature must be controlled for the safety of all."

David stood up, raising his hand. "Objection!"

The judge sighed. "Mr. Faust, this isn't your turn to speak."

"I know," David replied innocently, "but I object to being compared to a hurricane. Hurricanes don't have this much swagger."

The courtroom erupted into laughter, and even the judge struggled to maintain her composure as she banged her gavel.

"Order! Mr. Faust, sit down."

He plopped back into his seat, grinning.

The senator continued on his tirade and David tuned him out , playing with a pen as Emma listened and whispered to him some stuff from time to time."

When it was finally David's turn to speak, he strolled up to the podium with a casual confidence that seemed to irritate half the room and enchant the other half.

"First of all," he began, "let me just say how flattered I am that you've all gathered here to discuss little old me.

I mean, really, a global broadcast? It's like my birthday, but with subpoenas instead of cake."

Tony Stark audibly snorted, earning a glare from Steve.

David continued, "Now, let's address the elephant in the room: me. Yes, I'm powerful. Yes, I've yeeted a few baddies into other dimensions.

And yes, I could turn the moon into a disco ball if I wanted to. But—and this is important—I haven't. Know why?"

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the podium. "Because I don't feel like it….. yet."

The room was silent, hanging on his words.

David continued," You are trying to use rules and morality to bind me. But let's take a closer look at who's making these rules, shall we?"

He turned to the senator . "You're representing a government that has, let's see… conducted secret human experimentation, created super-soldiers without consent, weaponized mutants, cloned humans, and, oh, let's not forget about the failed attempts at playing God with AI. Shall I go on?"

The senator paled but didn't interrupt.

David snapped his fingers. "Oh, and how about Project X? You know, the one where they tortured and experimented on a certain clawed Canadian.

Or maybe Weapon Plus, where innocent mutants were turned into living weapons? Or even the replication of a magical serum to get superpowers."

He glanced toward the Avengers. "Sound familiar, Cap?"

Steve Rogers looked visibly uncomfortable but said nothing.

David leaned casually on the podium. "So forgive me if I don't feel like handing over the reins of my life to the same people who thought firing a nuke on a populated city was a great idea."

The room was dead silent.

"I didn't ask for these powers. I didn't apply for the job of world savior. But when things get messy, I do my thing. Not because I have to, but because I can or feel like it."

He turned to the senator . "And let's be honest, the government's track record with 'oversight' isn't exactly stellar, is it?"

The senator opened his mouth to reply, but David cut him off.

"Let's not forget the last time you tried to 'control' a powerful guy. How'd that go with the Hulk? Oh, right—he smashed half of Harlem."

Bruce cringed in the audience. "He's not wrong," Natasha muttered.

David spread his arms. "Look, I get it. I'm scary. But I'm also just a guy who likes donuts, video games, and not being bossed around.

So maybe—just maybe—you should focus on the actual threats out there instead of dragging me into court for saving your butts."

"And let's be clear," David added, "I didn't wake up one day and say, 'You know what would be fun? Being a cosmic janitor for everyone's mess.' But here I am, cleaning up disasters because no one else can.

And no, I'm not even gonna explain anything, because you guys have pissed me off."

He stepped back, spreading his arms. "So, here's the deal. I'll keep saving the world when I feel like it, or if I feel like it.

I can just move to another planet and they'd be happy to make me the most honored guest, even make me their ruler. You don't tell me what to do, and I don't turn your precious Pentagon into a pancake. Sound good?"

As the courtroom descended into chaos, with reporters shouting questions and officials arguing among themselves, Emma sidled up to David.

"Well," she said, "you certainly know how to make an impression."

"Think they'll drop the case?" David asked, smirking.

Emma shrugged. "If they don't, Fury's probably going to have a stroke trying to handle the fallout."

From the back of the room, Fury watched the proceedings unfold, his head in his hands. "This is worse than the time Stark hacked into my files."

Natasha glanced at him. "We're not going to recover from this, are we?"

"No," Fury replied. "No, we are not."

Steve approached him, frowning. "We need to talk to him. He's not our enemy, but we need to make sure he understands the stakes."

"Good luck with that," Fury muttered. "The man's a walking enigma. And worse, he's got a weird sense of humor."

Thor laughed heartily. "I like this one! He speaks plainly and fights boldly."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Yeah, great. Let's just hope he doesn't decide to run for president."

"Don't tempt him," Bruce muttered.

Amidst the chaos , David spoke again , " So folks, I don't feel like staying here and wasting my time playing with these dumbasses, so I'm just gonna go."

The judge weakly tried to stop him, " Stop Mr. Faust. The court is still in session. If you leave, I'll hold you in contempt."

David walked over to over, making people get tense and some cops unholstered their weapons. But he snapped his finger and the guns turned into dildos that started vibrating. The cops threw the dildos on the ground without turning them off, and now they were wiggling on the floor.

David stood in front of the judge and casually said, " Look maam, I don't want to be rude to you or make you feel bad , you are here because those clowns have put you here to be a part of this farce.

You seem like a nice lady, so how about this? I'll make you 20 years younger and heal all your ailments, and you dismiss this stupid case right now, so we can both go home early. Those clowns won't do anything. He put his hand forward for a handshake.

The judge hesitated, then against her better judgement she nodded , " Deal. I was planning to retire soon anyway ." She shook his hand and the results were immediate.

Her old wrinkly skin glowed and turned younger. Her vision was back to normal and her old bones felt good as new. She looked not a day older than 30.

The government people tried to jump up and protest, but they found that their pants have been glued to the seats, along with a pacifier that magically appeared on their mouth. They tried to remove it, but failed miserably and could only cover their faces as the cameras flashed.

"My husband will be very thrilled tonight, thanks young man ." The judge smirked and thanked him as David gave her a bow and left the court with hugging Emma who was laughing at his outlandish display.

The newspapers will have another shocking headline tomorrow. The case of Superman vs the government that was supposed to go on for days was unceremoniously ... Dismissed.

Tony looked at Steve dumbfounded , " Did that dude just publicly bribe the judge in mid case, in front of the government and media, and just walked away? I'm gonna ignore the eternal youth part , lest I sell my tower and my soul to buy a 100 years from him."

Mephisto sneezed in hell. "Did someone say something about selling their soul ?"

Steve just shook his head, " I think this guy just caused another major scandal. Making people younger and healthy without any drawbacks ? Every rich and powerful person would be looking for him now."

Bruce also chimed in, " This guy just did something that the whole medical community has been failing to realize for centuries . Just the sheer impact of this can cause a global disaster if the pharmaceutical companies try something."

Fury whispered to Hill, " You think that guy would fix my eye if I asked him nicely?" To which she just shrugged and replied , "Not unless you can offer him something good."

Meanwhile, Natasha was quiet. She observed the scene without any comment, her hands clenched on her stomach, her thoughts unknown.