Chapter 1 - Entering A New World

Somewhere in the back of an alley. Two thugs were engaging in an enthusiastic discussion.

"Hey, is this guy actually dead?"

"Who cares if he's dead or not, look at what he's wearing. How much do you think that armor would fetch us?"

"In this day and age? We'll be richer than most nobles."

"Hahahaha, it seems we've struck the jackpot."

"I'll start by taking off the helmet, you start from the boots."

"Alright. By the way, have you ever seen something as good as this man's armor? You were previously a blacksmith, right?"

"Ehh, that was a long time ago. But this guy must've been a knight from another country. His armor's design looks very weird to me."

"Is that so?"

As the two thugs were happily chatting, they suddenly encountered a massive problem.

"How do you take this fucking thing off? It won't budge."

"Sigh, you're so fucking stupid Brandt, let me do it for you. It's so eas-"

"See? There's no single part we can take off."

Suddenly the body shook. The thugs quickly backed off.

The armored person was now awake, and while he was getting up, the two thugs started becoming anxious.

"Fuck, this guy's still alive Brandt. We might need to call the others. He might be stronger than us."

"Roderick, are you a coward? If we can't even handle just a single unconscious guy, we'll be a laughingstock."

In the midst of the two thugs bickering with each other, the armored person suddenly stood up.

He looked around in a confused manner.

'What just happened? I was about to shut my brain off when something invisible dragged me. After that, I can't seem to remember anything.'

'Where even is this place? It looks like an old village somewhere in Europe.'

Without any warning, one of the thugs launched towards him while holding a dagger.


"What the?"

Roderick was confused. He swung his dagger as hard as possible, and yet it just bounced off.

"What was that for? Are you trying to kill me?"

The man was perplexed. He didn't understand the language the thugs were speaking, and thought that they were trying to help him, only to find out that they were hostile.

"Hello? I'm not a bad person. Can you speak English?"

The man tried to communicate with the thugs, but the language they were using didn't sound familiar.

"H-hey Brandt, this foreign knight seems to not know the common tongue."

"Put down your knife, Roderick! He's clearly stronger than us. We should retreat first and call for backup."

"That's what I told you earlier, you shithead. You're the one who told me that it was gonna be easy. Run!!"

The two thugs ran away, leaving the armored man by himself.

'Were they trying to rob me while I was unconscious? Hahaha, that's funny.'

'First things first, I need to gather information. I somehow ended up in this place for an unknown reason. Those aliens must've done something again.'

The man exited the alley, and saw the scenery in front of him.

He could see people wearing medieval era clothes walking everywhere. He could also see market stalls selling fresh produce.

'Is there a traditional festival happening? Why is everyone cosplaying?'

He approached one of the market stalls, and asked a customer who was just finishing her purchase.

"Excuse me miss, can you speak English?"


The woman screamed. Apparently, the man wearing full armor was too suspicious in her eyes.

"Uhhh, I'm not trying to hurt you, wait a second."

The man tapped something on his neck, and his helmet opened. Revealing himself, was the face of a young man somewhere in his mid-20s.

He looked to be of East Asian descent, and had messy semi-long white hair.

He then smiled apologetically and waved his hands as if he was harmless.

"W-what do you want?"

The woman was still too uncomfortable talking to the man.

"Uhh, hello, do you know how to speak English? Where in the world is this place in?"

"S-sir Knight, I don't understand. Please don't hurt me."

After a few more exchanges, the conversation went nowhere. Left with nothing to do, both of them went their respective ways.

The man then went to ask other people, and none of them understood him. He even crudely tried to speak German, French, and Spanish in order to see if someone would understand. Alas, no one understood him at all.

'Shit, let's just walk on this road until I can see someone of authority. Maybe they can help me.'

'Also, how come I can't see any piece of modern technology here? Is this place like some sort of weird European Amish town?'

The man then proceeded to walk for around 20 minutes or so. He stopped walking when he saw a big stone wall. There was also a huge medieval gate on that wall.

'Woah, are those medieval armor? This place must be an Amish city or something. They even got police wearing medieval armor.'

He got closer to the armored people guarding the gate.

"Hello, can any of you speak English?"

"Who are you? State your residence!!"

Obviously, the men guarding the gate were very wary of the fully armored man coming closer to them. And so, they pointed their spears at the man.

"Hey, I'm not doing anything dangerous, so don't point your spears at me."

"Don't come any closer!!"

"Guys, guys, hello?? I'm not doing anything."

Thinking that the men were just scared of him, he decided to stop walking closer to them.

"State your residence!! Where are you from? Why do you not speak our language? And why did you come from inside the city!!"

"I'm sorry, could you speak in English? I can't understand you guys."

He tried gesturing that he could not understand.

Not long after, more men came to the scene and started surrounding him.

Although his helmet wasn't covering his head anymore, his armor still looked menacing to their eyes.

The men, with spears and swords pointed at him, started to circle closer and closer. They were slowly trying to carefully subdue him.

'Sigh, I'm really sick of fighting. I just want to laze around all day. Plus, I really don't want to hurt people after not seeing any of them for centuries.'

One of the men initiated the fight by swinging his spear diagonally towards him.

Seeing this, the man smoothly dodged it and quickly tapped his neck, instantly covering his head with the helmet again.

Seeing this, the men, who appeared to be guards, were surprised.

"Where did the helmet come from??!!"

"He must be wearing magic armor!"

"Is he a magic knight?? We have to call the captain!!"

"I'm on it!"

While one of them hurriedly left to call their captain, the rest continued attacking him.


"Sigh, I told you guys that it wasn't such a good idea to attack me. But at least you guys were lucky that my emotions weren't currently turned off."

Around the man were unconscious guards laying on the ground. A single punch mark can be seen on every single one of them.

Suddenly, the loud voice of a man was heard.


It was the guard captain that just reached the scene.

"Hmm? I can't understand what you're trying to say, but they're the ones who attacked me first. So don't blame me, if that's what you're trying to say."

More guards began to appear, numbering around 50 or so.

The guard captain then ordered them.

"All men!! Surround him!!"

The 50 or so guards began to do the same exact thing the previous guards were doing.

'Are they all stupid? Can't they see that I dealt with their previous guys with such ease?'

One guard with a sword ran close to his back and started swinging.

The sword just bounced off, as if hitting a boulder.



The guard's body was sent flying back and fainted. On his chest plate was the shape of a fist deeply ingrained.

Seeing this, more guards ran towards him to attack.

Without dodging any of the attacks, he punched the guards, causing them to fly back and faint.

More guards came running towards him, replacing the unconscious ones. This continued until only the guard captain was left.

'Hmm, this guy should be useful. Let's not incapacitate him yet.'

'And you know what? Fuck this. I give up trying to act like the normal person I used to be, let's just do whatever I want this time.'

The white-haired man looked around again and began to smirk. What captured his eyes was a large castle opposite to the gate, meaning, it was at the center of the town or city he was in.

He then opened his helmet again, and gestured to the guard captain to come closer.

Seeing this, the guard captain, who was actually frozen with fear, started to calm down. In his head, he thought the man was trying to negotiate.

The white-haired man then suddenly grabbed the guard captain's wrist and then pointed to the castle.

"H-huh? What the? Let me go!!!"

"You will be my temporary hostage."

While not understanding the smirking white-haired man's words, the guard captain was dragged by the white haired man towards the distant castle.


A duke's castle was in an uproar.

The Duke in question was Duke Heimer. He was a duke in a small, yet prosperous kingdom, called Roan.

Currently, the Duke was both extremely furious and terrified.

In front of him, was his most trusted servant, the head butler.

"Who the hell is this man!!???"

"I'm sorry my lord, but we don't know of his origins, he just suddenly appeared without any warning."

"How did it happen??"

"It seemed to have started on the city wall's southern gate. Apparently, he defeated around 70 guards and took the guard captain hostage. From there on, he moved to the castle's southern gate and defeated 50 elite guards, and exchanged the hostage."

"What did he exchange the hostage with?"

"Another hostage. This time, the hostage was the castle's southern gate elite guard captain. Afterwards, the knights intercepted him."

"So those knights failed as well?"

"I'm afraid so, my lord. He exchanged the hostage with another hostage again. This time, it was the knight captain. But my lord, could I shorten the explanation? Because it seems that it would take a long time to explain his acts."

"Of course."

"Well, long story short. He kept fighting with stronger and stronger people from our side. And he also kept exchanging hostages for higher ranked ones. After the knight captain, it was the knight commander, then the elite knight captain, then the elite knight commander, and lastly…."

"M-my daughter."

"Indeed, my lord."


'Finally, the perfect hostage.'

"S-spare me please!!"

The daughter of Duke Heimer was in tears. She did not know why the white-haired, semi long, and also messy-haired man was holding her hostage.

Currently, they were inside her room. Every single force within the castle was defeated, so no one could fight against him anymore.

He then suddenly pointed at a luxurious chair.



And then pointed at her bed.


Of course, the Duke's daughter was confused.

But the white-haired man still continued, and then pointed at her room's door.


"E-excuse me?"