Chapter 8 - A Familiar Face

'Shit shit shit!!'

A man cursed while contemplating his situation.

'This was supposed to be an easy mission. Where did it all go wrong?'

'I knew I shouldn't have accepted the mission. Even if these refugees survived, I have nothing left.'

The ship was his only home. Now that it was destroyed, he had no home. It was also his only way of earning money.

Not to mention, his crew was like family to him. Growing up as an orphan, he yearned for his own family. With the crew gone, he had no one left.

'I'm sorry Xander, it was just a pathetic excuse. I didn't want to see you die slowly, so I quickly left to this place. I sincerely hope that you rest in peace.'

'Sigh, am I gonna die here as well?'

The man was currently leaning against one of the cryogenic chambers. Each of the chambers contained a refugee frozen in a temperature close to absolute zero.

The man was injured, but it wasn't life-threatening. However, he had already lost his will to live.

The cryogenic chambers were located in the cargo area of the ship. This area was the safest part of the ship, as it was far away from the ship's engine.

Not to mention, its walls were extremely tough, and its doors were blast-proof doors capable of surviving a small nuclear blast.

The cargo area was essentially a mini bunker.


The man turned his head towards the metallic scraping noise. It originated from one of the blast-proof doors.

"Hmm? W-what the?"

There was a red-hot blade cutting through the half meter thick door.

The metal layer of the door was melting, revealing a another layer made out of carbon fiber that was also burning.

The blade was cutting through the door like a hot knife cutting through butter.

The blade also cut through the door's wiring, creating huge sparks.

The whole thing lasted for less than 10 seconds, and it revealed a menacing figure.

The figure wore a jet black armor suit, the blade was attached to the figure's suit, which quickly retracted after cutting the door.

"W-who are you??!"

While he asked the figure that question, the man quickly reached for his weapon, a state-of-the-art railgun rifle.

The man aimed his gun towards the figure, and threatened the figure in panic.

"State your name and occupation!!!"


However, the figure did not speak a single word.

"Why aren't you speaking??!"


"Ah!! Y-you must be from that infamous Black Hell Legion..."


The man aimed towards the figure's head, and shot 3 times.



Not a single shot missed, but that didn't mean that the figure was harmed.

The bullets were deflected by the figure's helmet.

'What the hell?? This gun's supposed to be from the latest CRUX Piercing Series, capable of piercing even the toughest Frekian armor. This can't be possible. Have I been scammed?'

Inside of his mind, the man was panicking. Just a few moments earlier, he accepted his death.

However, facing against the extremely menacing figure, he realized just how wrong he was. The man's instincts were roaring inside of him, telling him to stay alive.


The figure suddenly spoke.


The man was confused, the Black Hell Legion that he knew from the rumours were silent. However, this one had just sworn in front of him.

In an instant, the figure lunged towards the man and grabbed his gun.

The figure then threw away the gun, and proceeded to lift the man by grabbing his neck, slightly choking the man.

"I'll give you a special death."


The figure's other hand suddenly formed a claw. The claw wasn't just a claw in terms of form. The tips of the figure's fingers became as sharp as a razor.

The figure then dug through the man's torso with his claw.


While the man was screaming, the figure searched for something inside the man's chest cavity.

"Ah, here it is."

The figure's inserted hand could feel a squishy and beating object.

"Ahhkkkk?! Y-youu...."

The figure's razor-sharp claws punctured through the man's heart. Afterwards, something weird started to happen.


Incoherent sounds exited the man's mouth.

The sound was a mix of the man's voice and a disgusting wet noise coming from inside his lungs.

The man's whole body started spasming, and his mouth started frothing, the frothing was a mix of saliva and blood.

His skin started showing black vessels that were spreading throughout his whole body.

The man's eyes were moving sporadically, and the blood vessels of each of them were turning black.

The man's head started to bulge, as if it was going to explode.

And then....


The man's head exploded, revealing a black liquid-like substance that retreated back into the figure's jet black armor.

The figure was now covered with pieces of flesh, bone, and brain matter.

One eyeball was dangling on top of the figure's shoulders.


Although it was true that Lucius' memories of people's faces and names he had seen or met was erased, this only applied to the ones before the memory wipe procedure.

The memory wipe procedure was supposed to erase his entire memory. Although somewhere along the line, something wrong happened and only the memories of faces and names were erased.

This didn't only happen to Lucius, it also happened to a few hundred other people that were abducted at the same time as him.

As to why the aliens didn't redo the procedure, it was a mystery.

Currently, in front of Lucius was the horrific body of a person he knew from that period of time.

To him, this person was his biggest source of hatred, not the aliens who abducted him.

'Ah, I feel euphoric. Normal people on Earth would feel like shit if they had murdered a person, but I feel like I just finished taking a shit. Pure bliss.'

'I never thought I would see your face again. To think you'd look the same as you used to. Ah, I guess you got more muscular.'

'I don't care if you've changed or not, it still feels good to have murdered you by my own hands.'

Lucius looked towards the man's tattered uniform. The man's name was embroidered on the uniform's left chest area.

'Captain Landon Gruidner, huh? Such a cool name doesn't befit you.'

After stomping the tattered uniform, Lucius was feeling ecstatic, but that didn't mean that he didn't have questions to ask.

Why was he the captain of a spaceship?

Why was he still alive after so long?

What was the Black Hell Legion?

And why did he act like that?

Those were just some of the questions Lucius had in mind about the man he had just murdered.

Nonetheless, Lucius decided to move on from the matter.


"Sigh, I don't get it."

"You don't get what?"

"You know, the whole danger thing. I mean come on, it's just a big rock, right?"

"Bort, that's exactly why you're never getting promoted."

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing nothing."

Two soldiers sitting cross-legged on the ground were bantering with each other.

"Hey, you two should go back to your positions."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I'm Andrew, a lieutenant police officers. The chief officer ordered me to fetch your commander."

"Hello officer Andrew, my name's Grell and this is Bort. Why don't you sit down with us? Here, have a drink."

The lieutenant police officer, Andrew, looked at them both with a disdaining look.

"Sigh, I'm doing this for you guys' sake. You guys should really not be doing this."

"Why not? I mean, the lord hasn't been back for almost the entire day. It's almost sunset for fuck's sake."

"Yeah, Grell's right. Look around us, other soldiers are resting as well. It's the police officers who are being weird. We also haven't seen any danger coming from inside that big hollow rock."

"Well listen, the lord's orders are not to be disobeyed."

"Hey, we're not disobeying his orders alright? We're just resting, isn't that right, Bort?"

"Yeah yeah! We're just resting!"

"Resting? While drinking alcohol? Sigh, don't blame me if you guys get fired over this. Where's your commander anyway?"

"Our commander? He's in that tent over there. Ah, but don't interrupt him, it'll be troublesome for us as well."

"What do you mean?"

Andrew hastily walked to their commander's tent.

Inside, he was met with an unexcusable sight.

A blonde, long haired, and handsome man, was currently in the middle of having sex with two women. The two women were sprawled on top of a table, with their legs spreading in an M-shape.

Seeing this, Andrew immediately facepalmed. This man was the commander.

'How are they this incompetent??? This is unreal!! Where did they even come from? I have never seen soldiers these incompetent ever since Duke Lucius took over.'


"Excuse me, commander Archid?"

Andrew clapped his hands to alert the commander. But the commander didn't reply to him.



He clapped a bunch more, and even cleared his throat as loud as he could.

Alas, the commander still ignored him, as if the threesome was far more important.

He began yelling at the commander.


But all that came from the other side was the two women moaning. It seemed like the commander was intentionally ignoring him.

"Ah, fuck this...."

Andrew began loading his musket with blackpowder and then he jammed a musket ball into it.




Andrew was fed up with the situation, and as a result, shot a warning shot into the air. The shot made a hole in the tent's fabric ceiling.

The women were so shocked that they pissed on the table.

Andrew immediately started loading back his musket just in case he needed to shoot a second warning shot.

'I'm probably going to get yelled by the chief for this, but he really left me no choice. Well, at least it's better than throwing a punch at him.'

The commander was furious. But it wasn't because of Andrew shooting his musket, it was because the loud noise ruined his sex.

"You!!! You fucking lowlife!!! Can't you see that I'm in the middle of something important?"

"Important??! Having sex while on duty is important!?!"

The commander immediately picked up his sword, his eyes were burning with murderous intent.

"You should've left while I was still ignoring you..."

The commander ran towards him with his greatsword and started swinging at him.

Andrew immediately backed out of the sword's reach.

'Does this guy not know that I'm holding a loaded gun?? Why is he so fearless?'

The commander kept swinging his greatsword without stopping, even when they were both outside of the tent, causing a gathering of onlookers.

The onlookers were the soldiers under the commander.

Andrew had a tough decision to make.

'Should I fight back? No, that'll just cause more trouble. He's holding a greatsword, and I'm holding a musket without a bayonet attached. I'm not confident I can win this one without shooting him.'

"Stop!! Stop!! Let's not fight!!"

But the commander ignored him yet again.

'Shit, this guy's a maniac.'

Andrew tactically retreated towards the onlookers. To his surprise, the onlookers ran away as well.

"Why are you guys running as well??"

One of the onlookers who was running alongside him answered back.

"The commander will not stop once he's in that state!!"

"What?? What is he, a monster?"

"That's just how he is!!"

"How did he even get the rank of commander??!"

"He's the grandnephew of the late King!!"


Andrew quickly realized that he had messed up.

'Fucking piece of shit nepotism!!'


A weird earthy noise came from behind Andrew, and it made him confused.

After the weird noise was made, the guys who were running alongside him stopped, and they were all looking at the source of the noise.

Andrew looked back towards what had happened.

A familiar looking person donning a jet black armor was standing there, it was Duke Lucius.

The commander was sprawled on the ground, and Lucius stepped his foot on top of the commander's chest.

"Release me!!! How dare you!!!"

The commander who was still enraged, idiotically yelled at Lucius. This prompted Lucius to ask a question at the crowd.

"Who's this retard?"