Chapter 14 - Meet The Family

"Excuse me? Hello? Why was I called here?"

Lucius called towards the mother and daughter pair. However, they were both too occupied with their emotional reunion that they didn't hear Lucius.

He thought that it was just a waste of time to argue over it, so he decided to just go back to finishing his work on the academy.

Before reaching the door, one of the female elves accompanying Evangeline to her reunion stopped him from exiting the room.

Lucius flashed a questioning look towards her.

The female elf looked oddly similar to Evangeline and Elizabeth. She was blonde, she had jade green eyes, and her face was almost a carbon copy of Evangeline's. The only big difference between her and Evangeline was the fact that she was a head shorter than Evangeline, combined with her chest being as flat as a washing board.

"You cannot leave yet."

She said so while having a slightly pouted expression.

To which Lucius replied in a confused and hurried tone.

"Why not? I really need to finish my work."

The girl then furrowed her brows slightly, as if Lucius' reply wasn't satisfactory.

"Your job here isn't done yet, can't you see?"

"I'm so confused, what are you talking about?"

"Can't you see that your lord and his daughter is still in this room? Were you not taught the proper manners? A servant should not excuse themselves without having their master's permission. I saw you quietly trying to leave this room without their permission, and I just simply cannot tolerate such a thing."

"What the hell? Who are you to judge my decision to leave? Also, I'm not their servant you idiot."

The girl's face went red when she heard him call her an idiot. She grabbed his collar to try and lift him up, but then got confused because he wasn't budging at all.

She tried multiple times and from multiple angles and positions, but alas, she still failed.

Meanwhile, Lucius was getting more and more annoyed at her failed attempts to lift him up.

'What is this little shit trying to do? Is it because of my clothes? I admit that it doesn't look as lavish as what the upper echelons in this world would wear, but come on! How hard is it to notice that I'm not a servant? I literally held Elizabeth's hand earlier, did she not see it?'

Lucius wasn't the type of person who would boast about his status, but in this situation, he couldn't help but do it.

"Little miss, my name Lucius Von Heimer, and I'm the Duke of Heimer."

"Lies! Don't try to lie your way through this! Huff, huff...."

"You don't believe me?"

"Of course I don't!"

The other elves started to take notice of their argument, and they immediately approached the scene.

"What are you doing to our sister!?"

It seemed that her being out of breath and having a red and sweaty look made the situation look like something else. Moreover, Lucius' composed but annoyed look further enhanced a certain narrative.

"Release your hands from her!!"

This shout from one of the male elves shocked Lucius even more.

'But it's the fucking opposite?? Can't you see????'

Suddenly, Evangeline's questioning voice was heard.

"What is this commotion about?"

It seemed that she was a little bit unhappy that her emotional reunion with her daughter was interrupted.

The male elf from earlier responded back to relay the situation.

"Mother, this lowly servant is harassing Alea!!"

'Wait, mother??'

Lucius suddenly thought about the elf's odd words.

'Why is he calling her mother?'

"What happened?"

This time, it was Elizabeth who raised a question. She trudged through the crowd only to find a female elf who looked very similar to her, who was grabbing Lucius' collar.

She heard the other elves saying that Lucius was trying to harm the elf girl, or that he was sexually harassing her.

In her mind, whatever happened was clearly not Lucius' doing, as evidenced by his now wrinkled white buttoned up shirt and the fact that the elf girl looked to be only frustrated.

She walked through the crowd and approached Lucius and the elf girl.

"So what happened?"

As she got close, she asked them both about what had happened.

But before Lucius could answer, the elf girl who was apparently named Alea answered back.

"Your servant was being disrespectful."

"My servant? Which one?"

Elizabeth did not know which servant was being disrespectful as there was no servant currently present in the dining room. Even the guards were told to guard outside due to Gorgon's order for privacy.

"The one in front of me."

Alea answered as if it was obvious.


Elizabeth was quiet, but not because of anger or anything similar, but because she found the situation to be quite funny. She was holding her laughter as much as possible as seen in her obvious gestures in covering her mouth.


Even Lucius could not resist letting out a snicker.

"W-what's wrong?"


After a brief explanation from Elizabeth about who Lucius was, Alea quickly lowered her head in shame and guilt.

"I-I sincerely apologize for my insolent behaviour."

They were all now sitting on the dining table while eating an assortment of food served by the maids. On the other side of the table, it seemed that Gorgon wasn't that interested in the prior incident and was just gloomily eating beside Evangeline.

Meanwhile, Alea sat next to Elizabeth who sat next to Lucius.

"I don't accept your apology."

Lucius said in an indifferent voice.


She got quiet. It seemed that this was the first time that someone rejected her apology.


Evangeline dinged her wine glass with a silver bread knife, and grabbed everyone's attention.

"I apologize for interrupting your meal, my lovely daughter. But it seems that I have forgotten to introduce you to the others due to the incident earlier."

"The others?"

Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, the others. As you can see, I brought these 7 people with me to meet you today. How should I say this.... I am sorry, but you're not my only child. I have other children as well. Although I do not regret having you as my child, I am also afraid to tell you the truth."

Hearing her mother's words, Elizabeth's fluffy emotions were interrupted. In her mind, she was now repeatedly asking why.

She was so happy to learn that her mother was alive that she began daydreaming about a future where she can live a life with her mother and father happily being together again. But after hearing her mother's words, it all came crashing down.

"Before I tell you the truth, I should first introduce you to your siblings."

Evangeline began introducing her to her half-siblings.

"First, let's start with the eldest. This is Ulrich Ren Enrivier, he's your eldest brother, and he's 212 years old."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, younger sister Elizabeth. Sorry about accusing your husband earlier."

Ulrich had platinum colored hair, deep blue eyes, a male model's body, and a kind expression.

"And this is my second child, and her name is Felin Edea Enrivier."

"Hiya! It's nice to meet you Elizabeth!"

Felin also had platinum colored hair and deep blue eyes. She also inherited her mother's overtly sexual body features. But her most prominent feature was her bright and outgoing character.

"Now these three here are triplets, starting from the eldest, their names are Bail Rinn Enrivier, Beren Ern Enrivier, and Bella Nina Enrivier."

"Nice to meet you, sister."

Bail was a guy, and had blonde hair and jade green eyes like his mother.


Beren was also a guy, but was quieter. His features were the same as Bail, as they were identical triplets.

"It's nice to meet you."

Bella was the only girl out of the triplets, and her features were the same as well. Although in her case, she looked rather androgynous due to not having a big chest and hip.

"Next, we have Lillia Hess Enrivier, she's my 6th child, and she's a shy one."


Lillia was shy, but her figure was very similar to her mother. She also had jade green eyes and blonde hair.

She greeted Elizabeth by slightly raising her hand to wave at her shyly.

"Lastly, you've met the youngest of them, Alea Niorn Enrivier, who caused the embarassing incident earlier. I apologize for her earlier behaviour, she's still young and inexperienced. She usually behaves normally, but she's quick to lose her temper whenever she encounters anything that may seem disrespectful to her. She's younger than you, Elizabeth, so please forgive her."

Elizabeth looked beside her and saw that Alea was bright red due to shame and regret.