Chapter 19 - Multiple Birds With One Stone

"Hey Ren, look at this. It's been posted everywhere in the city."

"What is it Layla?"

"It says here that Lord Lucius will be making an announcement tomorrow!!"

"Really? When and where?"

"Ummm, it says that it's going to be done at noon and the location should be near those demons' area. Apparently the announcement place is in an academy?"

"Are you sure this announcement is for everyone? It seems that it's only for certain people. After all, who'd make an important announcement for everyone at an academy?"

"Let's just go first, okay? If we're not allowed, then that's it. If we're allowed to attend, then it might just help us escape from this stupid poverty!!"

"Hmm, I guess you're right."


A few minutes before noon, almost the whole city was awaiting the announcement. Since his academy was built on a huge grassland, Lucius could afford to use all the remaining empty land as a place to gather people.

Lucius planned on converting most of the empty land into important places for research buildings in the future. But for now, it merely served as a place to gather a huge amount of people.

The biggest problem was the management of those people. He thought about limiting the amount of people, but he thought about the possible misinformation that would spread in the future.

So in the end, he decided to not limit it.

As a result, around 3 million of the 5.5 million city inhabitants were attending the venue.

Unfortunately, only Oppen's citizens were told about the announcement beforehand, so the citizens in the neighboring small towns and villages would need quite a while to get the news.

Even the Storm Fortress citizens were in the dark.

Fortunately, he had foreseen this. He had sent messengers to announce his words to every other settlement in Heimer, although it will take time for them to reach each of their destinations depending on the distance.

Now since a massive amount of people numbering a whole whopping 3 million were attending the venue, Lucius knew that managing the crowd would be tough.

Thus, he ordered the police force to organize the gigantic crowd into smaller groups of 100,000 people and separate them by a small area.

This area was symbolyzed by a large floor mat that covered the ground. Each group of 100,000 people have their own gigantic floor mat.

The floor mats were made from recycled plant fiber that used to be the grass covering the former grassland. It was all made possible due to a machine that was part of the cargo Lucius had salvaged from the refugees' ship.

That device was a synthesizer. It basically works as a 3D printer that can directly process raw materials into a desired material to be used for 3D printing. Not only that, the machine could also craft simple objects using its printings.

With its relatively small size of a mini-fridge, he could easily tinker with it using his nanobots. This allowed him to fully understand the mechanisms, controls, materials it was made out of, and even the programming of the machine.

So when Lucius fed the machine the shred grass, he extracted all the carbon from the grass to print carbon nanotubes, which the machine then used to craft floor mats.

Of course, this would all take a long time for a single machine to do, but thankfully, the machine didn't come alone. There were 11 other synthesizers in the cargo.

So during his work of finalizing his academy's curriculum, he was also putting these synthesizer's to work.

Truth be told, he overdid it by a long shot and had managed to print out an insane amount of floor mats. It can be said that even if 10 million people were to use his floor mats, he would still have spares.

But he didn't worry much, since he could just recycle them with the synthesizers.

The reason why he overdid it was to make them into protective wear for his police force and military force. These mats were essentially just plain cloth made from sewing carbon nanotubes together.

The strength of carbon nanotubes was not to be made fun of, so he thought that he should raise the defensive standards of his forces using them.

Also, since he couldn't just use his suit's built-in microphone and speaker to reach the ears of 3 million people due to the large area and crowd, he made speakers using multiple materials with the synthesizers.

To solve the incomprehensibly complex wiring needed, he used his nanobots as signal transmitters and receivers, making his speakers wireless.

The speakers were also made to be solar-powered, and he placed them strategically between the mats. This ensured an equality in terms of loudness and clarity for every member of the crowd.

Anyway, back to the announcement.

The people attending were from all sorts of backgrounds.

From rich to poor. From housewives to merchants. From kids to the elderly. From humans to demihumans. From Heimer natives to emigrants. From this planet's original inhabitants to the aliens, of which included the human refugees Lucius had brought.

They were all sitting down on the mats, eager to find out about what kind of announcement their lord would make.

After the clock hit noon, Lucius entered a prepared stage. He then checked that his speakers were fully working.

He started the announcement by clearing his throat as loud as possible, grabbing all the attention from the crowd.

"Good day to you all citizens of Heimer!! I, Duke Lucius Von Heimer, ruler of Heimer, would like to make an announcement that would change all your lives. Sit back, relax, and pay attention to every word that I will say from now on."

After this short but impactful intro, the crowd had their full attention on Lucius.

"First and foremost, I would like to clarify my origins. This is a substantial piece of information that would make sense for the rest of my announcement, and you should all bear it in mind."

"I am not a human from this continent, nor am I a human from this world. Simply put, I am a human from a far away world. This might not make sense to you, but the so-called world is not that simple. To begin with, this whole world we are on is called a planet. And I am a person from a different planet."

"The people that I brought with me a couple months ago, the same people that some of you called as demons, are also from different planets. You should be ashamed of yourselves for calling them demons, since they're just normal people like you."

"This brings up my second point. I will be establishing an academy under my own name. This academy will serve a purpose of educating you all with proper knowledge. What kind of proper knowledge you might ask? Well, everything. Anyone can apply to this academy, even the supposed demons that some of you name. If you're curious, you should apply yourselves to it. The entry fee will be free."

"But that doesn't mean that anyone could just get into it. There is an entrance exam for anyone over the age of 12. The examination will test your rationality and basic knowledge. If you think you're up for it, then you should apply. Now, what are the merits of attending this academy, you might ask? Well, I will be guaranteeing you a job opportunity if you manage to graduate. The jobs that I'm offering would pay high salary. Not to mention, students on certain grades would also be offered part-time jobs that earn high salary."

"Now, you adults might think that you're too old for an academy, but don't worry, I have already prepared for a separate institution for the adults. Yes, I am dividing the academy into two insitutions. One for the underage, and the other one for the adults. The difference merely exists in the things you will be doing. For the adults, most of the things that you do in this academy will be merely attending classes. But for the children, you will be attending numerous activities along with the classes. This doesn't mean that the adults will be excluded from all other activities, but they will only attend certain ones."

"Moving on, you all might think that this will be finalized. But no, it won't. This is merely a system that will exist in the first 15 years of this academy. By the way, each year will consist of 1 academical year, of which will be divided into 2 semesters. So we will have 15 grades corresponding to each year."

"Once this 15 year period ends, the adult insitution will be converted into a higher education insitution that students who have graduated all 15 grades would be able to attend. This higher education institution will not be free, but the ones who achieved exemplary grades during their 15 years will get rewarded a scholarship."

"The 15 grades will be divided into 3 sub-institutions. Elementary school for grades 1 to 5, middle school for grades 6 to 10, and high school for grades 11 to 15. Afterwards, the higher education institution that I have mentioned to you all before will be called university. There will be no grades in university, and it will be divided based on semesters. Each field of knowledge will have their own sets of semesters. Once you complete your higher education, you will be awarded a degree. The degree will signify your knowledge capabilities in that field. There will be 3 tiers to each degree, this means that you have to attend university 3 times in order to achieve the highest degree. Not to mention, the difficulty should increase drastically for each degree, so bear that in mind. That is all for my second point in today's announcement."

"I will be moving on to the last point. We will be establishing a new kingdom under my own rule. Spread this to any member of your family and also your friends who lives outside of Heimer. You should all invite them into Heimer, and I will provide them adequate jobs and living space. The reason I am telling you to do this is because we will be isolating our territory in order to not be involved in the current continental war during the establishment of our new Kingdom. This means that no one will be going in and outside of our territory ever."

"I will be giving you all a 2-month period to contact them. During this period, you also should invite all your family and friends into Heimer. But if you want to leave, go ahead, I will not stop you. However, you should all know from the countless rumours that the Roan Kingdom is already gone. The Zurg Empire will not be kind to you, since you're all former citizens of Roan. So keep that in mind."

"I can already guess that the merchants here are thinking about the massive losses in money. However, you can rest assured that that won't happen. The banks will be implementing a new system that I have made. In this system, your riches will be represented by a promissory note. These notes will not be the same as normal promissory banknotes. Instead, it will be issued by the kingdom. Thus, no bank will have their own unique note, ensuring no monopoly."

"So instead of trading with coins, money will now be in the form of paper. The paper money will be called Tokens. And since the lowest form of our currency is currently represented by a bronze coin, we will be basing that as the default starting point. This means that 1 bronze coin will be worth 1 Token. Also, we have our own way of detecting counterfeits. So if anyone dares to counterfeit the Tokens, keep in mind that they will face horrible punishments."

"Moving on, our isolation will last for at least 15 years. So at least until the earliest academy students graduate. Furthermore, we will not be completely isolating ourselves during this 15-year period. We will still trade, but with only one other nation. But first, I would like to introduce you all to Empress Evangeline Lilicia Enrivier, ruler of the Enrivier Empire."

His mother-in-law entered the stage. Although she was underprepared due to the suddenness of it, she immediately adapted to the huge crowd, showing her prowess as a ruler.

"As some of you might know, there is not much known about the Enrivier Empire other than their empire consisting of just elves. Not to mention, they're mostly known from their famous trading business of only doing barters. Well, there is a reason for that. Truthfully, they have already implemented the paper money system into their economy since hundreds of years ago. This is because they lack proper resources to trade using coins, which are made from metals. The reason why they only trade by bartering with us is due to the stupid policies that the Merchant Union have established. This policy didn't allow for any other form of trading other than with coins or by simply bartering."

"Now, both of our nations have reached a contracted agreement to trade with each other. But to do this, we must first construct a direct trading route through the mountains blocking our path to the Enrivier Empire in the Northeastern part of Heimer. This is also why I am asking you all to invite your friends and family into our newly established kingdom. We will need all the help that we can to make our kingdom thrive. My vision for the near future is our kingdom's rise to become the top of the world. We will be achieving this in the next 20 years. So dear citizens of Heimer, rejoice for the dawn of our Heimer Kingdom!!!"

The crowd of 3 million people began cheering in an exponential manner. Everyone was either clapping, screaming their joys, or whistling their mouths.

"By the way, my lovely wife, Elizabeth Von Heimer, is Empress Evangeline's daughter. Her father, Gorgon Von Heimer, is also the brother of the late King of Roan. As for me, I simply don't care about my blood. So if anyone dares to argue if we're fit to be royalty, then I will personally guide you with my fists."

He added that last part as a threat. Nevertheless, the crowd did not stop cheering.